Vocal Cord Nodules: Overview

How They Differ From Polyps and Cysts

Vocal cord nodules, also known as vocal fold nodules, are noncancerous growths that generally develop when a person misuses or overuses their voice. The incidence of vocal cord nodules is unknown but the incidence is much higher among individuals who use their voices as part of their profession.

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Vocal cord nodules are different than polyps (an overgrowth of tissue that usually arises from a mucous membrane) and cysts (an undefined mass of tissue that is usually not cancerous), which can also form on vocal cords.

Allergies and other irritants such as reflux laryngitis can also contribute to vocal cord nodules.

This article discusses the symptoms of vocal cord nodules, how they differ from polyps and cysts, and how nodules are diagnosed and treated.

Vocal Cord Nodules vs. Polyps and Cysts

Vocal cord nodules, polyps, and cysts are all noncancerous growths, but they have some key differences:

  • Nodules are symmetric masses that usually occur in pairs on each vocal cord.
  • Polyps look like blisters and can appear on one or both vocal cords.
  • Cysts, fluid-filled sacs, are usually on just one vocal cord.

They can differ in how they form as well:

  • Nodules usually appear after repeatedly overusing or improperly using your vocal cords. This might be from singing or speaking too loudly or straining your voice by using a pitch that's too high or low for you.
  • Polyps can also form after this repetitive misuse, but they can also appear after one episode of straining your voice.
  • Cysts can form after repeated overuse, but they can also occur when the vocal cord glands become clogged with mucus.

What Does It Feel Like to Have Vocal Cord Nodules?

Vocal cord nodules have a variety of symptoms that are unique to each individual. Some individuals with vocal cord nodules may experience the following symptoms:

  • Hoarseness
  • Scratchy voice
  • Breathiness
  • Pain
  • Feeling like there's a lump in your throat

Diagnosis of Vocal Cord Nodules

The diagnosis of vocal cord nodules can be performed by laryngoscopy with a special light called a stroboscope, also known as videostroboscopy. This will allow your otolaryngologist to visually check your vocal cords and determine the impact the nodule has on the vocal cord's vibrations.

Prior to any major treatment, your healthcare provider is likely to recommend voice rest and then repeat the laryngoscopy in order to visualize any changes that occurred while resting your voice.

Vocal Cord Nodules Treatment

The first treatment for vocal cord nodules is removing risk factors. Voice rest will help, while proper voice hygiene can be taught by a speech therapist specializing in voice therapy.

Conditions like GERD and allergies can cause additional swelling and inflammation around the vocal cord nodules. Your healthcare provider may give you recommendations for treating these conditions, through diet or medications, to help manage symptoms.

Often, speech therapy is beneficial. Speech therapists can teach you ways to reduce vocal cord abuse and use your voice more efficiently. Surgery is reserved for cases where your voice is significantly impacted and is not usually a first-line treatment.

Outlook for Vocal Cord Nodules

In most cases, patients can relieve symptoms from vocal cord nodules by resting their voice and with voice therapy from a speech therapist. In cases where surgery is needed, follow your healthcare provider's instructions on how long to rest your voice. After this recovery period, your healthcare provider will likely recommend speech therapy to help your voice continue to heal.


Vocal cord nodules are noncancerous growths that can develop when you overuse or misuse your voice over time. The usually happen in pairs on each vocal cord. You may have symptoms of hoarseness, a scratchy voice, and neck pain.

Vocal cord nodules are usually diagnosed through laryngoscopy to allow your healthcare provider to see the vocal cords. Treatment usually involves resting your voice and going to a speech therapist. In some cases, surgery to remove the vocal cord nodule may be recommended.

4 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Won SJ, Kim RB, Kim JP, Park JJ, Kwon MS, Woo SH. The prevalence and factors associate with vocal nodules in general population: Cross-sectional epidemiological studyMedicine (Baltimore). 2016;95(39):e4971. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000004971

  2. UT Southwestern Medical Center. Vocal cord nodules, polyps, and cysts.

  3. Vasconcelos D, Gomes AOC, Araújo CMT. Vocal Fold Polyps: Literature ReviewInt Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2019;23(1):116–124. doi:10.1055/s-0038-1675391

  4. NYU Langone Health. Recovery and support for benign vocal cord lesions.

Additional Reading
Kristin Hayes

By Kristin Hayes, RN
Kristin Hayes, RN, is a registered nurse specializing in ear, nose, and throat disorders for both adults and children.